Marius Gundersen
Work in progress
Webpack CSS LiveReload
Implementing a simple CSS live-reload plugin for webpack
November 1, 2024
Dynamic endpoint routing
How to use the EndpointDataSource in
September 8, 2021
Template Literal Types
Exploring template literal types in TypeScript for some WebGL fun
January 6, 2021
How I rewrote my gulp based static site generator to use mdx
May 7, 2020
Type-dictionary trick in C#
Efficient dictionary with Type keys in C#
June 30, 2019
Duck-typed Extension methods in C#
Creating magical code by combining duck-typing and extension methods in C#
October 21, 2018
Ekkiog followup
Reusable and shareable components in Ekkiog
April 7, 2018
Ekkiog: Turing Complete NAND-Simulator
Simulating 65536 NAND gates on the GPU of your smartphone
August 3, 2016
Efficient module loading without bundling
Using static analysis, HTTP/2, Service Workers and bloom-filters to efficently load ES2015 modules
April 23, 2016
Maintining Docker containers with Samsara
A docker orchestrator for small private production systems
December 27, 2015
Why does Twitter freeze when loading new tweets?
An investigation using DevTools
February 16, 2015
Early impressions of Docker
I've only used Docker for a few days, here are my impressions
January 17, 2015
Other things generators are good for
ES6 generators can be used for more than async await
August 13, 2014
Dependency Chain
Dependency chaining is a simple way to extend the functionality of a library using modules
February 23, 2014
Tiny project for drawing sparklines
December 23, 2013
When can I actually use ES6?
The next version of JavaScript is nearing completion. But when can we actually use it?
December 22, 2013
handwritten asm.js
Testing asm.js in Firefox devtools
June 6, 2013
Bitcoin OTP
One Time Pad of bitcoin private keys
March 11, 2013
Bitcoin Piggybank
A 3D printed piggybank for storing Bitcoins
March 11, 2013
Animating the 2D canvas using JavaScript expressions
February 7, 2013
Calculating stationary transfer orbits in KSP using SVG and Knockout
December 29, 2012
HTML5 demo showing how to use the deviceOrientation API to create a simple compass.
May 28, 2012
Multitouch Map
Using HTML5 canvas, multitouch and geolocation to create an interactive map with pan/zoom gestures.
May 28, 2012
A Multiplayer Raycasting engine using WebSockets and canvas.
March 2, 2012
CSS3 Multitouch
HTML5 demo of CSS3 controlled by multitouch events on mobile devices.
February 27, 2012
The Pimponator uses an AVR to control a 16 column by 5 row LED matrix. The micro controller has 64KiB of flash memory available for a 6000 frame animation.
April 13, 2011
NES Remote
A remote control for my TV made using an old NES controller.
October 26, 2010
A 3D printed mechanical braiding device, created in Blender and printed by
August 6, 2010
The CentripetalBox is a 3D printed box with a special lock which only opens if the box is spun quickly.
January 15, 2010